Income Limits
Last Updated
LAOC Family Law
Legal Assistance of Olmsted County provides free legal advice, brief services, and full representation to low-income people in some Family Law cases. To see what kinds of cases we usually help with, please click on the Legal Topics tab.
Service areas
Application Process
Fill out our online application. If you do not hear from us within 2 business days, please call us at 507-287-2036. If you have a court hearing in the next 5 days or other time-sensitive emergency, call us right away for further assistance.
- Abuse & Crime Victims
- Family
- Adoption
- Custody
- Divorce
- Grandparent visitation
- Name Change
- Parenting time
- Paternity
- Post-Divorce
- Termination of parental rights
1700 N. Broadway, Suite 124
(Enter through Door A)
Rochester, MN 55906
United States
Location Contacts
Legal organization
Mon - Fri: 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Holiday schedule