If you can't do the activities on your plan because there is something going on in your life which makes it impossible, tell your job counselor, appeal, and call Legal Aid. There are many reasons why you may not be able to follow a regular employment plan. Your job counselor can work around these.
Some of these reasons are:
- you or a household member is sick, injured, or disabled
- you or a household member is a victim of family violence
- you have court-ordered activities you have to do
- you are constantly going to your child’s school because of your child’s health or behavior
- you have a learning disability which makes it hard to find or keep a job
- you are homeless, living in a shelter, have had a utility shut off, have a shut off notice, or are being evicted.
- There are also common-sense reasons, called "good cause." These are things like you lost your childcare or transportation or you had a family emergency.
For more details see our fact sheet Family Stabilization Services (FSS).
If you are already sanctioned but had good cause for not doing what your job counselor wanted, talk to your counselor about how to prove your good cause. You should get your full MFIP all the way back to the first month in which your good cause existed. If the county won’t pay this, call Legal Aid.
If your job counselor doesn't agree that you have a good reason for not doing all the things in your Employment Plan, call Legal Aid.