Legal Aid Disaster Resource Center
Author: Legal Services Corporation
Legal resources and critical information for legal aid professionals, pro bono volunteers, and the disaster survivors they assist.
United Way 211
Author: United Way 211
Call 2-1-1 or Toll Free:
800-543-7709 or Local:
651-291-0211 or text your zip code to 898-211 (texting available M-F 8am-7pm) or search at the
website. United Way 2-1-1 provides free and confidential health and human services information for people in Minnesota. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to connect you with the resources and information you need.
Replacing lost, stolen or destroyed personal IDs and documents
Find out how to replace vital documents, such as birth certificates, Social Security cards, and more.
Pets and disaster or emergency evacuation
Author: ASPCA
How to prepare and plan for a disaster or evacuation with your pets.
Red Cross disaster relief, shelters, recovery
Author: Red Cross
Find Red Cross information, local shelters, and emergency aid resources.
Disaster information packet - preparation and insurance claims
Author: Minnesota Department of Commerce
Packet of information for consumers to help ensure your insurance is adequate for a disaster and tips for recovering from a disaster and working with insurance.
Disaster information - Minnesota Attorney General's Office
Author: Minnesota Attorney General's Office
Information for Minnesota residents to help with disaster recovery, including scams, home repair tips, renter tips, insurance questions, car repair, and aid to farmers.
Tips for older adults - preparing for a natural disaster
Author: University of Minnesota Extension
The aging process can make many older adults particularly vulnerable during a disaster, this page has information about planning for medical needs, and evacuation if needed.
Disaster preparation and recovery information - including flood clean up
Author: University of Minnesota Extension
Information about how to prepare for a disaster, how to financially recover from a disaster, and detailed information about cleaning up flood damage.
Insurance resources for Minnesota - disaster and homeowner claims
Author: United Policyholders
Self-help information including samples of damage and proof of loss documentation, FAQ's about property damage claims, hiring help with a claim, and problems or complaints with insurance claims.
Making a Disaster Plan -
Prepare for a disaster and recover faster.
Disaster and Risk Management for Farmers
Author: Farmers Legal Action Group
Resources to help farmers recover from natural disaster, understand available programs, and mitigate risk.
Immigrants and Eligibility for Disaster Relief
Author: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Explains eligibility for Federal Government disaster assistance programs for non-citizens. Many charitable disaster assistance may not depend on or ask about status. This site only applies to official Federal Government (FEMA) and other government assistance.