Qhia txog muag lub thseb tsis zoo ib yam li pauv npe ntawm daim puav pheej. Yog koj mus pauv daim puav pheej tim ntsej tim muag, qhov no suav tau tias koj qhia tias koj muag lub tsheb lawm. Yog koj muab daim puav pheej rau tus neeg yuav tsheb thiab tsis mus tom DVS mus ua cov ntaub ntawv, koj yuav tsum qhia tias koj muab lub tsheb muag tsis pub dhau 10 hnub. Cim cia: Yog koj muag rau ib lub chaw muag tsheb koj tsis tas yuav qhia tias koj muab lub tsheb muag lawm.
Muaj 2 txoj hau kev los qhia tias koj muab lub tsheb muag lawm.
Hauv Online: Koj qhia tau hauv online ntawm https://onlineservices.dps.mn.gov/.
- Hauv qab “Vehicle Services” nias “More Vehicle Services”
- Nias “Mark Vehicle as Sold/Donated/Removed from State”
Xa hauv Npov mus: Teb cov lus ntawm qhov “Notice of Sale” nyob rau hauv qab koj daim puav pheej. Nco ntsoov sau tus neeg yuav lub npe, chaw nyob, thiab naj npawb daim npav tsab tsheb, yog muaj, hnub tim muag tsheb. Dua, thiab xa mu rau DVS ntawm:
Driver and Vehicle Services – Central Office
Town Square Building
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 190
Saint Paul, MN 55101-5168
Yog muab lub tsheb pub dawb lossis pov tseg, qhia rau DVS.