Income Limits None
Last Updated 12/16/2024

Cancer Legal Care

Cancer Legal Care provides free legal advice, brief services, and full representation to Minnesotans affected by cancer. We help with legal issues that impact health and quality of life for cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers. We help with:

  • Estate planning advice: general information and guidance about options
  • Estate planning representation: creation of wills, health care directives, powers of attorney (for those who qualify for pro bono services based on our eligibility guidelines) Note: creation of trusts is not included in pro bono services
  • Employment: FMLA, ADA, ESST, disability-based discrimination
  • Health insurance, other health-related insurance, and disability insurance issues (ICARE): general information, understanding plan details, assistance with denials and appeals, healthcare provider billing issues
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) advice: general information and guidance about eligibility and application process
  • Social Security Application Assistance Program (SSAAP): assistance with initial applications and requests for reconsideration for SSDI and disability-based SSI (for those who qualify for pro bono services based on our eligibility guidelines)

For a full list of the kinds of cases we usually help with, view our website at

Service areas