If you and your spouse take out a loan together, you are both responsible for paying it back. It doesn’t matter who uses the money or gets to keep the item bought with the loan. If both names are on the debt, both of you are responsible.
If you and your spouse take out a credit card together, then you are both responsible for all of the purchases made with it. You are responsible for a joint card even if you disagree with or don’t know about things bought with the card.
But an “authorized user” is different. If you have a credit card and make someone an “authorized user,” then you are responsible for the debt, not the “authorized user.”
If you get divorced, you are both still responsible for the loan even if the things are kept by only one of you.
If your name is on a debt you are responsible. If you have a shared debt with someone and they stop paying, you need to keep paying the whole thing to protect your credit. You can try to get this money back from an ex-spouse if your final divorce papers from the court say that your spouse has some responsibility for the debt. Keep proof that you made the full payments.
If there is nothing about the debt in the divorce decree you can try getting some of the money back in conciliation court, but it can be hard to do. See our fact sheet, Conciliation Court.