You can file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy on your own, but the more help you can get the better.
Some areas have legal aid offices, or free bankruptcy clinics that may be able to look-over your paperwork to help cleanup mistakes before you file your case with the Court.
There are also tools that can help. Go to for one option to help you go through the filing process.
BUT it is very hard to do your own bankruptcy. If you don’t list your assets right on the bankruptcy forms, it could end up costing you more than it would have cost for a lawyer in the first place.
If you can afford a lawyer, that is the better route for most people. Some bankruptcy law firms have payment plans.
If you can’t afford a lawyer, search for options for getting free legal help.
If you decide to do the case yourself (“pro se”), make sure you get help filing out the forms. This can be things like:
- buy a self-help Chapter 7 bankruptcy book that explains everything step by step
- get advice from a free legal clinic as you work through the forms
- check out