Minnesota has guidelines for figuring out how much support payments should be. It is called income shares. Income shares sets child support by looking at the gross income of both parents. Gross income is your total income before taxes are taken out.
They also look at things like other child or spousal support, and a parent’s other legal children.
Basic Support: After each parent’s gross income is figured out, their incomes are added together. The parent’s total gross income is compared to the numbers on a set chart. The chart shows how much money parents at that income level spend on their children. The number from the chart is divided between the parents. It isn’t always divided equally. It is divided based on each parents’ percent of income that made up the total income number. For example, one parent’s income might be 60% of the income total and the other’s is only 40%. The number from the chart would be divided 60% and 40%.
Time spent with the children affects the amount of child support:
- The more overnights a parent has with the children, the less basic support they pay.
- If each parent has the children about the same amount of time and their incomes are equal, no child support is paid.
- If each parent has the children about the same amount of time but their incomes are not equal, the parent with the higher income may have to pay some child support.
- If one parent has the children for more time than the other parent, the parent with less time may have to pay the other some child support even if they earn less.
Medical and Child Care Support: In addition to basic child support, the parents are each responsible for part of their children’s medical expenses and childcare costs. Again, this amount is figured out based on their income.
If the non-custodial parent’s income is below poverty, they pay a minimum child support order. The minimum order is $50 per month for 1 child, $60 for 2 children, $70 for 3 children, $80 for 4 children, $90 for 5 children, and $100 per month for 6 or more children.
If you know how much money the other parent makes you can get an idea of how much child support a court might order. You can do this by using Minnesota’s online child support calculator at http://childsupportcalculator.dhs.state.mn.us. Read the instructions. They tell you how to use it and what information you need. The more information you can fill in, the more accurate it is. It can be confusing but might give you an idea of what to expect in court.