Most people who come to the U.S. have a relative in the U.S. sponsor them. A relative sponsor is a family member who is a citizen or LPR. The sponsor agrees to be responsible for you in the U.S. Sponsors have promised the USCIS that if you become poor, they will support you.
If you came to the U.S. after December 19, 1997 through a relative petition, the government can count the income and assets of your sponsor and your sponsor’s spouse as if they were your income and assets. If more than one person sponsored you, the other sponsor’s income and assets also count as your income and assets. Sponsor income and assets count until you become a U.S. citizen, your sponsor dies or permanently leaves the U.S., or you have worked 10 years at work where FICA taxes are deducted from your pay. You may also get credit for work done by your spouse or by your parent(s) when you were a minor.
Counting your sponsor’s income and assets may put you over the income or asset limits for the MA program. There is a special state policy where the state won’t count your sponsor’s income and assets for 12 months if you are a victim of domestic abuse. You must show a strong connection between the abuse and your need for health care. If your income – without adding in your sponsor’s income- is below federal poverty guidelines, you may be able to get MA.
Note: Sponsor income IS NOT COUNTED for pregnant people or children. This includes the 12-month post-partum period for pregnant people.
Note: Sponsor income and assets are counted in MA but not in MNCare. Because of this, you could have too much income to get MA, but not enough to get MNCare. To help with this problem, the state created a “safety net” program. Under the program, you should be able to get either MA or MNCare, depending on your projected income. See Safety Net Program below in the MNCare section.