The landlord says, “no kids,” but it is not a seniors-only building.
The apartment manager treats the people who apply differently. For example, they tell people who get MFIP they need an income of 3 times the rent, but they don’t tell that to people who don’t get public benefits.
Your application is never processed because of your religion.
Different Treatment
The caretaker makes repairs for white tenants before Latino tenants.
The manager enforces rules differently or charges higher rent to people of color.
The landlord won’t make a simple change in the rules to let a person with a disability live there successfully. For example, allowing a companion animal. See our fact sheet Can I Keep a Pet?
A townhome association refuses to let you install a ramp for your wheelchair. See our fact sheetReasonable Accommodations.
There are special rules for children, or the manager only rents first floor apartments to families with children.
The caretaker pressures you to date him and lets himself into your apartment. See our fact sheet Sexual Harassment in Housing.
The security guard treats your visitors differently because they are American Indian.
The neighbors try to force you out of the neighborhood with racial insults or threats.
If you are turned down for an apartment and you suspect discrimination, call the numbers below for help right away.
You can also have someone you know call the landlord and apply and see how the landlord treats that person. For example: if you suspect discrimination based on race, see if a person of another race gets treated better. Keep notes on what happened each time and who you and your friend each talked to.
If you are being treated badly or harassed where you live, write a letter to the owner. Keep a copy of it and of any evidence of the discrimination. Try to have witnesses who have seen or heard it and keep their contact information. Write down notes every time something happens. If you are in danger, call for help..
You can start a lawsuit to stop the discrimination and sometimes get money damages. If you need quick action to get an apartment you were denied, to stop harassment, or to avoid an eviction, a lawsuit may be your best bet. If you have a low income, call your legal aid office at 1(877)-696-6529. Or look for help from other programs at
You can also look for help from government agencies that enforce housing discrimination laws. They investigate at no charge to you. If they find discrimination, they will see if an agreement can be reached. If no agreement is reached, the agency may file a case against the person who discriminated against you. These agencies are:
MN Department of Human Rights Griggs Midway Building 540 Fairview Ave North, Suite 201 St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
Phone: (651) 539-1100 MN Relay: 711 or 1-(800) 627-3529