It is possible the person detained can be let out the same day that the bond money is paid. To make sure of that, it is better to pay the bond as early in the day as possible.
You must pay the bond online at the following website: MyAuth Account - Sign In ( If you don’t have an account, you need to click on where it says, “Sign Up” and create an account.
The following people or organizations can pay the bond online:
- U.S. citizens
- lawful permanent residents
- law firms, and
- non-profit organizations can use CeBONDS to post a delivery bond, voluntary departure bond, or order of supervision bond.
- Noncitizens can also post a Voluntary Departure bond or Order of Supervision bond on their own behalf.
The hours for posting (paying) the bond are:
Monday – Friday 9 am to 3 pm in the time zone where the person is detained by ICE
Payment must be made from a bank account.
If you can’t access the online system, you can try to pay in person.
In Person
You should try to call the ICE office ahead of time before trying to pay in person. The bond amount must be paid in full, with a U.S. postal money order, or a cashier’s check from a bank. Cash, personal checks, or money orders that are not from the post office are not accepted. The money order or cashier’s check must be made out to “Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” Your family or friends have to pay the bond in person, at any ICE office in the U.S. Only a U.S. citizen or permanent resident can pay the bond.
In Minnesota, there are 2 ICE offices where a bond can be paid:
Minneapolis/St. Paul ICE Office
1 Federal Drive, Suite 1640
Snelling, MN 55111
7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday -Friday
Sioux Falls ICE Office
2708 North 1st Ave.Fort
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
605-330-4276 (call for appointment)