If you, your spouse, your child, your sibling, or your parent were the victim of a crime, you might be able to apply for U status. Even if the family member who is the crime victim is a U.S. citizen you may still be eligible for U status.
If you apply for U status, your spouse, and unmarried children under the age of 21 can apply for U status with you no matter how old you are. If you are under 21 when you apply for U status, your parents, and your unmarried siblings under the age of 18 can also apply for U status with you.
Also, if you were the victim of a qualifying crime anywhere under U.S. jurisdiction you might be able to apply for the U visa. You also might be able to apply for a U visa if you were the victim of the crime outside the U.S. but the crime violated U.S. law. You can apply for a U visa even if you are not in the U.S. right now.
Not all crime victims can get a U visa. It depends on the crime, how the crime has affected you, and more. See sections below about eligibility.
If you think you or someone in your family might be eligible, call an immigration lawyer for help.