Third-Party Custody and Grandparent Visitation
Browse the resources below for this topic.
Fact Sheets
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Do-It-Yourself Forms
Welcome! The Minnesota Courts have forms for requesting or changing child custody or parenting time, and for responding to a motion for custody or parenting time.
When you start a court case, or are already involved in a court case, you are generally required to give the other party (the other side) to the case copies of any papers you are…
Helpful Websites
Legal Steps: Kinship Caregivers Manual
Overview of laws and steps for third-party custody in Minnesota.
Go to the website: Legal Steps: Kinship Caregivers Manual
Kinship Caregivers and the Child Welfare System
Information to help kinship caregivers—including grandparents,aunts and uncles, other relatives, and family friends caring for children—work effectively with
the child welfare system
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