Eviction Expungement

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Other Resources


This booklet helps people renting a place to live understand their legal rights. It is a general guide and is not meant to answer all questions. The laws talked about in this booklet change often and may or may not apply to your situation…
Source: Education for Justice

Do-It-Yourself Forms

Welcome! The Minnesota Courts have forms and information for landlord-tenant cases in Minnesota.
Source: Minnesota Courts
When you start a court case, or are already involved in a court case, you are generally required to give the other party (the other side) to the case copies of any papers you are…
Source: Minnesota Courts

Helpful Websites

Information on Remote Court Hearings
Author: Minnesota Courts

The Minnesota Judicial Branch is conducting some court hearings remotely using Zoom, WebEx, and/or VMR. This site includes information for attorneys, parties, and others who are required to appear at remote hearings.

Find a Free Legal Kiosk - Get Help & Attend Remote Meetings or Hearings
Author: Reach Justice Minnesota

Legal kiosks are computers in community spaces across Minnesota. You can use the kiosks to apply for a free lawyer or find legal information and resources. Some of the kiosks let you do video meetings and remote court hearings. These kiosks have more privacy and are marked in blue. Use the map at the link to reserve a kiosk near you!

Go to the website: Reserve a Legal Kiosk


Source: National Center for State Courts