An EP usually has the following information:
- your job goal and when you will reach it
- the specific services you need to reach the job goal. Each service listed must be necessary for you to get and keep a job. Include service providers, starting dates and information about where needed money is coming from
- how you and your counselor will know you are making progress towards your job goal
- services and benefits from other programs that help you reach your goal
- responsibilities of VRS or SSB
- your responsibilities and
- approval signatures from you and your counselor
Be Specific! Your EP should be as specific as possible. In other words, make your job goals detailed, not broad and general. Know what services and equipment you need to achieve your job goal. Know who provides these services. Be sure your EP reflects your strengths, priorities, concerns, abilities and limitations.
Make sure you understand and agree to the things in your EP. This makes it more likely that you will succeed.
If you do not know what services or equipment you need or if you and your counselor disagree about what you need, VRS or SSB may say you should have a neutral person evaluate your needs. This neutral person should be someone familiar with the needs of people with disabilities like yours.
Your EP must also have information about your rights, what you can do if there are problems, and information on the Client Assistance Project (CAP).
You and your counselor must agree to all parts of the EP to make it valid. Both you and your counselor must sign the EP. Signing the EP means that you both agree to everything in it.
Remember, VRS and SSB can’t give you services until you have a valid EP. Your EP is a critical step in getting the rehabilitation services you need to get or keep a job.