If you checked “2” in Part 1, asking for a fee waiver because of your low income then you need to fill out this section.
If you did not check number “2” in Part 1, SKIP this section.
These questions ask about how you earn money and who lives with you.
In question 2, “unemployment benefits” means a check from the State that you get. For unemployment, you also usually have to visit a job center and meet with a counselor. If you don’t have a job but are not getting any money or meeting with a counselor, then choose “no.”
For the chart in number 4, fill out one line of the chart for each person who lives in your household. You should include yourself, your spouse (if they live with you), children who live with you, your parents if they live in your house with you, and any other dependents listed on your tax return. If your children are married or older than 24, they do not count and you should not list them here. Look at the form instructions or talk with a lawyer if you are not sure who to include in this part.
If there are other people living in your house who give money for rent or other things, you can add that amount in question 7. Check the box next to “Financial Support from Adult Children, Dependents, Other People Living in the Household” and put the amount they give you in the box.
You have to send paystubs and your recent tax return that show your income. If there have been changes since you filed your taxes, tell them. Changes might be things like: you lost your job, you got a new job making less money, you had another child, you got divorced, you got married, you got a job making more money. Write what happened in the blank under question 9.
Check that you qualify for the fee waiver once you’ve totaled up your income. To check it with the Federal Poverty Guidelines, go to: https://www.uscis.gov/forms/filing-fees/poverty-guidelines. Click on the link that says I-912P. Look at the income for the number of people in your household and compare it to your number. If your number is higher, then you might not get the fee waiver. You might need to add information about financial hardship, and check “3” in Part 1.
If you are only asking for a fee waiver because you have a low income, then you can skip to Part 7.